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Hook Em Horns The Origin And Significance Of Uts Iconic Slogan

Hook 'Em Horns: The Origin and Significance of UT's Iconic Slogan

A Chant and a Gesture

The iconic chant and hand signal "Hook 'Em Horns" has become synonymous with The University of Texas at Austin. It serves as a symbol of pride, unity, and support for the university's athletic teams, students, alumni, and fans.

The Origin Story

The origin of "Hook 'Em Horns" dates back to 1955 when head cheerleader Harley Clark introduced it at a pep rally. The inspiration came from Longhorn cattle, known for their distinctive, curved horns. Clark's idea was to create a gesture that would be both unique and visually striking.

The hand signal involves making a "hook" shape with the thumb and forefinger, representing a longhorn's horn. It is accompanied by the enthusiastic chant, "Hook 'Em Horns!"

A World-Renowned Symbol

Over the years, "Hook 'Em Horns" has become a world-renowned symbol of the University of Texas. It is widely used as a greeting among students, alumni, and supporters. In 2005, Sports Illustrated voted it the top hand signal in the nation.

"Hook 'Em Horns" serves as a powerful expression of unity and pride for the Longhorn community. It encapsulates the spirit of Texas and is a cherished tradition that continues to be passed down through generations of Longhorns.
