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By Titanovsky

FixTF2 June 3rd

By Titanovsky

Are you sick of bots and lack of updates? It's time to fix that on June 3rd!

Sign the petition and on that fateful day, go all out on Team Fortress 2. Show Valve that we're not going to take their neglect anymore. It's time for them to give us the attention we deserve and fix our beloved game.

On May 26th, the community and many content creators staged a peaceful protest called #SaveTF2. The hashtag trended on Twitter as fans posted comics, jokes, and heartfelt pleas to Valve to save their game. Fans of Team Fortress 2, a multiplayer FPS game released by Valve in 2007 and still enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of players worldwide, staged a peaceful online protest, posting over 250,000 tweets with the hashtag #SaveTF2.

The protest was organized by a group of fans who were fed up with the game's current state. They pointed to the lack of updates, the growing number of bots, and other problems that had plagued the game for years. The protest was largely peaceful, with fans using humor and creativity to get their message across.

Valve has yet to respond to the protest, but the community is hopeful that it will send a message. They hope that Valve will finally take action to fix the game and give it the attention it deserves.
