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Eclipse 8 Avril 2024

Total Solar Eclipse 2024: Get Ready for an Unforgettable Celestial Event

Mark Your Calendars for April 8th

On April 8th, 2024, a rare and awe-inspiring total solar eclipse will grace the skies of North America. This celestial spectacle will begin at 15:42 UTC, casting a shadow over a path stretching from Texas to Maine. As the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth, it will block out the Sun's light, creating a breathtaking darkness and revealing the Sun's magnificent corona.

Interactive Eclipse Map

An interactive map allows you to explore the path of totality and find the best locations to witness this extraordinary event. Explore the map at to determine the exact time and duration of the eclipse in your area.

Prepare for the Path of Totality

If you're fortunate enough to be in the path of totality, prepare for an unforgettable experience. The total eclipse will last for several minutes, offering a unique opportunity to marvel at the Sun's corona, which is normally hidden from view. The spectacular display will undoubtedly attract a mass of travelers seeking the best views of this celestial wonder.

Eclipse Safety

Remember, looking directly at the Sun without proper eye protection can lead to permanent eye damage. Use certified solar eclipse glasses or telescopes to view the eclipse safely. Avoid using binoculars or homemade filters, as they can be unsafe.
